Putting your home in the spotlight Posted on March 30, 2016August 13, 2021 By Becky Ever since we moved into our home 4 years ago and began doing it up, one of the things that we’ve actually put a fair bit of consideration to is the lighting. Often overlooked, having the right (or wrong for that matter!) lighting can make such a difference to the atmosphere and feel of your home. In two of our rooms, the kitchen and our new loft room, we opted for lots of LED spotlights, like these from experts LEDHut. In the past ceiling spotlights had a bit of a bad rep for being a big draw on power, but LED bulbs have totally changed that perception. An LED light can run for tens of thousands of hours without giving up the ghost (wowsers!), which works out at about 3 years constant use, or up to 15 years with much less, depending on how your room is used. These days, you can choose different light colours as well as angles to garner different lighting effects and the right amount of lighting for a space. Some LEDs (like the ones in our loft room) can be used with a dimmer switch. If you’re feeling fancy, you could also have your lights installed in groups for different lighting feels, such as in kitchens and bathrooms where you might to ‘zone’ your lights. Here are some of my favourite spotlight lighting looks, courtesy of Pintrest: Do you have spotlights in your home? If so, where? *Featured post Interiors Advice HomeInteriorsLEDLEDHUTlightinglighting in your homelightsspotlights
Interiors Advice Interiors Insider: Introducing, SofaSofa Posted on August 20, 2015August 13, 2021 As an interiors nut, I am always on the hunt for items, or companies that have that something special to offer, or who have a great background story. It really adds to the whole buying ‘experience’, and when a visitor is eyeing up an item in your home, it’s lovely… Read More
Interiors Advice Home Plans: A new bedroom for Freddie Posted on September 2, 2018January 3, 2020 I was in two minds about whether or not writing this post was tempting fate re the new house or not, but actually whether we move, or whether we stay put and then do two rooms in the loft, the big two will need their own bedrooms sooner rather than… Read More
Interiors Advice Tips for Redecorating a Rental Property Posted on September 6, 2017December 20, 2021 If you’re a landlord, decorating a buy to let property is tough. You want to create a homely environment without making it too personal and you don’t want to spend a fortune! After all, it’s likely that the property will require annual retouches and a complete overhaul every three years… Read More
I love those lights in the bathroom – it’s one of the first things I want to address when we come to remodel our bathrooms because I hate how dim they currently are! I can’t see anything and it really bothers me! It’s great to see some ideas on here of what we might be able to do. Reply
LOVE these – we are just putting spots in our kitchen after years of lights on a wire – you know, those spots on a wire where only half work at a time?. I think the soft, elegant lighting these give is well worth us losing our rustic ceiling for as we have to put a false ceiling in but I can’t wait! Fab also for loft spaces where ceiling height is an issue like in my hobbit house! xxx Reply