Flora y Fauna…

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So here is the post that highlights my inner photography nerd, one that has only been unleashed in recent months, and one that I am actually quite enjoying. I had a fiddle with the Nikon in manual settings, something I hadn’t done much of before, and was quite pleased with the results, although I could definitely do with some fine tuning!

In Spain we were staying in Calle Tramontana, a largely ex-pat and holiday community (we had friends who live there, who rented us a villa). Whilst certainly not in the realms of awful Brits-abroad territory, if you were looking for olde-worlde Spanish soul this ain’t it. However, having said that, the beach and resort as a whole is really lovely, peaceful and clean, with some hidden gems of bars and restaurants tucked away, and of course, some amazing examples of the unique and varied landscape here.

I find it incredible that in amongst the dry, barren terrain are the most beautiful, bold bursts of colour in the shape of the plants and flowers. Even more incredible since we were told that this last winter has been one of the driest on record.

I love how the Spanish landscape swings wildly from being, frankly, bloody ugly (they never seem to finish off the area nicely around a completed building project!), to breathtaking. I also think that only in Spain does one of the massive billboards, bunged up at the side of the road (see above) next to beautifully tiled villas, seem okay, and not at all weird or out of place.

It’s just Spain- and I love it.



  1. Sasha
    May 21, 2014 / 1:08 pm

    Amazing photos, makes me wish I was there!! 🙂

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