Enhancing your Space for Learning and Creativity

Many of us don’t have the space to dedicate a particular room for learning and creativity, yet having a separate area for this type of activity can be hugely beneficial to education.

Whether your family loves crafts, painting, writing, or all of the above, it’s important to have an area to participate in this together. If you want to foster this type of environment without compromising a vast amount of space, keep reading:


Noise control is a huge priority for learning areas. To enhance focus, your child will most likely need peace and quiet, as it will minimise distractions, so choose your section carefully. You could also consider using dividers or curtains to separate your areas further, as this will create a visual partition.  

Including tropes of Feng Shui within the creativity corner can also enhance educational benefits. Just make sure to decorate your space in a different way to the rest of your home to signify the differentiation.

If you are encouraging child learning, choose vibrant colours, dynamic posters or previous creations, as this will cultivate an innovative atmosphere.


Lighting is extremely important for this type of space, as maintaining focus while minimising eye strain is a necessity. If you are conscious of energy bills, consider using solar lights if your designated area is outside, or LEDs if it is within your house.

Warm lighting tones are ideal in these environments, as they create an intimate yet relaxing ambience which is perfect for learning new skills and nurturing creativity.


Spaces used for learning are bound to have plenty of clutter, especially if you intend to participate in arts and crafts or other creative play. Even if you don’t have the room for a desk or you would prefer to use outdoor space for these activities, organisation is key.

Storage solutions such as bins, drawers or wallets are very useful ways to contain artsy bits and bobs. Utilising files and colour coding is also great for school studies, as it means you are less likely to get mixed up.


You or your children won’t want to spend time in an area that doesn’t provide any comfort. If you have more room, consider using beanbags to create a comfy vibe. If not, soft furnishings will also do the trick. Utilise old cushions and rugs to encourage the use of your creativity corner.

Ergonomics are really important in this instance too. If your child has a desk, make sure the height of their chair is appropriate in order to relax shoulders, elbows and wrists. If it is too low down, consider using a bolster to increase their height whilst sitting down.


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