What Clothing Should I Pack for a Trip to Wine Country

A change of scenery can lift your spirits and take your mind off routine tasks. Taking a trip and engaging in an enjoyable activity can be stimulating and inspiring. Visiting a winery is an excellent way to indulge your passion for wine and change your scenery. Traveling during winter or early spring is ideal because you won’t have to deal with crowds and the weather’s decent. Sonoma, California, enjoys average highs of 63°F in February and average highs of 71°F in April. Napa enjoys comparable weather, with highs of 63°F in February and lows of 42°F. When planning your trip, use the tips here to ensure you pack suitable clothes for a trip to wine country.

Consider where you’re going

Google “Wine Country” and results indicate Italy is Wine Country, that Valle de Guadalupe is Mexico’s Wine Country, and that the term also refers to California’s northern Bay Area. Your destination will determine what clothes you should pack, so it’s a good idea to read about wineries around the globe, such as France’s Champagne wine region and California’s Wine Country, before choosing your destination.

You can also learn about wineries and regions from local experts. Summer Altice supplemented her entertainment career by pursuing her passion for wine, becoming a wine steward for private collectors. Her role requires expert knowledge of wines from around the globe, and her collector’s tips can help you identify the types of wine you’d like to try, enabling you to choose an ideal destination for your trip.

Consider when you’re traveling.

The time of year you’re traveling shapes your experience and impacts your needs. While the weather is one variable, the volume of travelers is another. You’re more likely to be surrounded by people if you plan your trip during spring break or peak tourist seasons. This can impact your needs because people produce body heat, and you may prefer wearing lighter clothes, such as shorts and tees, instead of sweaters and leggings.

It’s still a great idea to pack jeans, especially if your trip includes evening activities. Choose from various styles, including classic look, dark wash, pant length, or bootcut jeans, to ensure your jeans suit your style. Jeans are versatile, and you can pair jeans with tees, blouses, and sweaters. You can also stick with denim or opt for black, green, orange, pink, purple, or brown jeans based on your color preferences.

Consider your transportation methods.

Your destination will impact your needs. Canada’s Okanagan region or South Africa’s Cape Winelands enjoy different weather at different times of the year. Familiarize yourself with average high and low temperatures to ensure you pack sweaters if required, or opt for tees if needed you’re heading to a warmer climate. Pack tees and sweaters so you can layer your clothes and adjust for temperature changes throughout the day.

Your transportation affects your packing choices for several reasons. Airlines typically keep cabin temperatures around 73°F, and some may find that too cool for shorts while others will be warm wearing jeans. You’ll pay more for extra baggage if you’re flying, so you may opt to pack a couple of pairs of jeans and several tops you can wear with those jeans. If you’re driving solo, you may have plenty of room to take extra clothes.

You’ll also want to consider your footwear. While the time of year may make you consider packing sandals, wineries can be home to snakes, armadillos, pigs, and chickens. Pack sneakers or other closed-toe shoes, so you have suitable footwear that protects your feet. It’s also a good idea to pack affordable footwear in case your shoes end up with grape stains.

The ideal clothes for a trip to Wine Country vary based on the wine region you’re visiting and the time of year you’re traveling. You should also consider your transportation methods to ensure you have suitable pants, shirts, and footwear for your trip.


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