Seven Tips to Remain Stress-Free and Healthy During a Move

On average, Americans relocate approximately 11.7 times throughout their lifetime. And why not? Moving can be a transformative journey, whether one seeks new career prospects, personal development, or an improved quality of life, often unattainable in their hometowns, such as Tucson. When you factor in Tucson’s scorching desert climate, it only amplifies the motivation to consider moving elsewhere.

However, packing your life and transitioning to a new home can be incredibly stressful. From organizing your belongings to dealing with the logistics of the move itself, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Moreover, this stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health.

But fret not! This article outlines seven practical tips to help you stay stress-free and healthy during a move.


  1. Hire Professional Movers

If it’s within your budget, one of the most effective ways to alleviate the stress of moving is to delegate some significant responsibilities to a professional moving company. Beyond assisting with the strenuous tasks on the moving day, movers can also handle packing your belongings and securely preparing and transporting fragile items.

For example, if you’re moving from Tucson, you should pack and protect your belongings adequately due to the scorching heat, which could damage furniture and other wooden or plastic items. Professional movers ensure that sensitive items like electronics, artwork, and fragile items are adequately insulated and protected from extreme temperatures. This considerably reduces your workload and, consequently, diminishes stress. Therefore, choosing a Tucson long distance moving company with a reputation for dependable and trustworthy service is imperative.


  1. Make a Moving Checklist

Without enough planning, it’s easy to feel stressed and overburdened.

Hence, a moving checklist is your roadmap to a successful move. It is a comprehensive list of everything you need to do before, during, and after your move.

This checklist should include:

  • Packing Schedule: Break down the packing process into manageable chunks. For instance, set a goal to pack one room per day or focus on specific categories of items, such as clothing or kitchenware.
  • Change of Address Notifications: List all the places—utilities, banks, government, and subscription services—where you need to update your address.
  • Packaging Materials: List the boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and labels you’ll need for packing. Ensure you acquire these supplies well in advance.
  • Organize Important Documents: Gather and organize all essential documents related to your move. This includes your lease or sale agreement, moving contracts, identification documents, insurance papers, and any records about your new home.


  1. Pack Strategically

Packing strategically involves more than just placing items in boxes; it’s about organization, efficiency, and foresight.

Start with items you don’t frequently use, including seasonal décor or rarely used kitchen appliances. Gradually work your way towards everyday essentials. This approach ensures that your most needed items remain accessible until the last moment.

Properly label the boxes by room and content. Clear, descriptive labels help when unloading and unpacking at your new home. Organizing this way ensures that boxes are placed in their respective rooms, making unpacking easier. Additionally, consider color-coding or numbering your boxes for more clarity.

Furthermore, it’s also wise to create an inventory of your belongings as you pack. This list can be a written document or a digital spreadsheet. An inventory helps you track what you’ve packed, making it easier to account for all your items during the move and ensuring nothing gets left behind.


  1. Take Care of Yourself

Moving can be emotionally taxing. You might experience a mix of excitement, nostalgia, and anxiety. Prioritizing self-care means acknowledging these emotions and allowing yourself the time and space to process them.

Take breaks to breathe, reflect, and address any concerns or anxieties about the move. Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, can also help you manage the emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies a move.

Moreover, moving requires strenuous physical labor, such as carrying large boxes and moving furniture. During this period, neglecting your physical health can result in weariness and potential accidents. Make self-care a priority by making sure you receive enough relaxation and sleep. Stretching or practicing yoga can alleviate muscle tension, and regular exercise, even in the form of short walks, can boost your energy levels and reduce stress.


  1. Prepare an Essential Box

An “essentials box” is one of the most practical and stress-reducing moving strategies. This box contains items you’ll need immediately upon arriving at your new home.

So, what should you include in your essentials box?

Consider the things you use regularly and those required for basic comfort, hygiene, and nourishment. This often includes bathroom essentials like soap, toilet paper, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Include any medications, necessary documents (such as passports or leases), a change of clothes for each family member, and chargers for your electronic devices. If you intend to cook on your first night, basic kitchen tools like a can opener, a few plates, utensils, and a pot or pan can be handy.

Once packed, keep the essentials box with you, ideally in your personal vehicle rather than on the moving truck. This guarantees that it’s readily accessible when you arrive at your new home. You won’t have to wait for the movers to unload or search numerous boxes to find what you need.


  1. Keep Your Routine Consistent

In the upcoming months, you will find it helpful to stick to your regular routines to find stability and a feeling of normalcy through times of considerable change and potential overwhelm.

Consider the following:

  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.
  • To put your physical health first, stick as closely to your regular exercise plan as possible.
  • Avoid skipping meals or making abrupt dietary changes for the sake of convenience. Continue to follow your typical diet.
  • Keep up with your social life by visiting friends and relatives regularly. This can offer emotional assistance during transitional periods.


  1. Expect the Unexpected

Anticipate that unexpected twists will arise during your move. No relocation ever unfolds precisely as planned. Embrace flexibility and adapt to shifting circumstances.

While you can’t govern every aspect of the move, you can manage your reactions. When faced with challenges, concentrate on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. Acknowledge the situation for what it is and ask yourself, “What steps can I take next to ensure things run smoothly?” This proactive approach can help you navigate hurdles effectively.



Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful and overwhelming experience. With careful planning, organization, and self-care, you can navigate the process smoothly while prioritizing your health and well-being. By following these seven tips, you’ll be better equipped to remain stress-free and healthy during your next move, allowing you to focus on the exciting opportunities at your new place.

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