Why Women Should Not Feel Embarrassed About Discussing Their Intimate Health

Intimate female health is important to look after, just like you would for any other aspect of your general health. Surprisingly though, even in 2021 a lot of women are reluctant to openly discuss medical issues that relate to intimate health, which is certainly not anything to be embarrassed about. They are more likely to resort to internet searches to identify symptoms than get in touch with a doctor. 

Is it Vaginal Thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)?

When you start to experience symptoms in your intimate area such as a change in discharge, notably consistency or smell, any soreness, itchiness or bleeding in between periods, then it could be an imbalance of harmless bacteria such as vaginal Thrush or Bacterial Vaginosis. In the US at least 30% of women will experience BV in their lifetime.

Thrush is particularly common among women but uncomfortable to deal with on a long term basis. Symptoms that you are likely to experience are; 

  • Thick and creamy discharge (no unpleasant smell).
  • Persistent itchiness which isn’t relieved when you scratch. 
  • A stinging sensation when you urinate or have intercourse. 


With Bacterial Vaginosis you are most likely to experience these symptoms instead;

  • Watery discharge.
  • Strong smelling discharge. 
  • Redness and pain around the intimate area.
  • Burning sensation when urinating. 



There are many women that suffer with painful periods each month, which is also referred to as Dysmenorrhea. It can affect as many as 50% of women. It can be painful to the extent where you find it difficult to conduct everyday activities. Symptoms could be any of the following;

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Sensitive to light and sound
  • Dizziness 


Signs of Cervical Cancer

It is important to be aware of any persistent symptoms that can go unattended for a long length of time, as there is the possibility it could be signs of Cervical Cancer, which you would not want to leave untreated. 

Symptoms to look out for are; 

  • Lower back pain.
  • Pain in pelvic area.
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding (in between periods) or bleeding after intercourse which is unusual for you.
  • Blood in your urine.
  • Infrequent bowel habits.


Do Not Feel Embarrassed to Talk to Someone

You should never feel as though you would be an inconvenience to a medical professional, particularly at the moment with many hospitals dealing with Covid-19. They are still available to help for other health problems. If you are in the situation where you need the morning after pill, definitely consult a doctor or pop into a pharmacy to ask any necessary questions or you require over the counter medicine. 


There are certain intimate health problems that can overlap in terms of symptoms so it is not always obvious what the issue is. Generally if you experience any symptoms that are not normal for you, and you sense something is not quite right, then you should always get in contact with a medical professional. 


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