My Word for 2022: Revive!

sunrise revival

revive , verb
  1. restore to life or consciousness.


Wow, it’s been a long time! 

When I last wrote my yearly ‘word’ for a year, the last being 2020, a whole ton of stuff has clearly happened in the world, and this space has been a little neglected for various reasons. Since 2019, it feels like it’s been on crazy rollercoaster, what with moving house, starting my business, enduring a global pandemic and home school x2 rounds (never again, please!), and a huge downstairs house renovation and remodel, leaving little time for writing and photographing for fun. Something that I’ve missed. 

I think in amongst the above, I also lost my way with this blog a bit. Arlo aside, I didn’t have tiny ones around any more and motherhood wasn’t all-consuming, especially since working more and generally enjoying day-to-day life and other hobbies and passions. If I’m honest, I also felt a little embarrassed blogging still. Even though I’m not particularly just a ‘mum’ blogger, there are so many negative connotations and snobbery around being one which made me feel conscious, and with the children getting older I’m also more mindful of their presence on here. Which left me wondering many times which direction I’d like to go with this blog. But over the last couple of years I’ve lacked the time and energy to put into it, which is a shame because I really enjoy writing and creating when I do, plus it’s always been worth keeping going as I still earn from guest posts that I publish on here. I also really enjoyed the sense of community on social media, and would love to get more involved in that again now that I have some more time and headspace. 

Well, I’ve decided that I’d like to be able to ‘revive’ this year hence my word for 2022!

This blog is now called ‘Becky Freeman Lifestyle’, whilst still using my beloved Spirited Puddle Jumper URL. I still plan to have some parenting and family-related posts on here, with the children’s permission, but I want to write more about creative stuff, our home renovation (I have a backlog of a gazillion post ideas and photos that could be shared!), food and recipes, books, fitness, travel… anything that still interests me really.

With regards to life in general, I’m hoping this year we can regain some normality and more of a consistent rhythm- with work (which I’m really enjoying), kids remaining in school, enjoying our lovely ‘new’ home and being able to see friends and family without fear of doing the ‘wrong’ thing!

So here’s to being able to revive oneself after a bonkers couple of years, and if anyone is still reading, I plan on being around more and really enjoying writing again- so do comment and say hi! 



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