How To Create Your Own Effective Meditation Space

Meditation is an ancient practice that is becoming increasingly popular in our hectic everyday lives due to its many many benefits such as reducing stress, promoting self-awareness and emotional health and lengthening our attention spans. These days there are many resources and articles online providing meditation tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this life-changing practice and create an effective meditation space at home. 


It is crucial to choose an area in your home that feels the calmest and most peaceful to you and that has a certain amount of privacy so that you won’t be disturbed. 

Clean the space and make sure that it is free of clutter, which will, in turn, help to declutter your mind. By getting rid of anything that you aren’t using, you will be making the room feel lighter and inviting, reflecting how you want to feel internally.

Make sure that the chosen area in your home is one where the most sunlight is shining through so that you can soak up the sunrays, and use them to energise you. Lastly make sure to air your space out and open the windows often, particularly first thing in the morning to get the freshest air circulating throughout the room and especially right before you meditate. It has been said that meditation in nature is the most invigorating, so if you do not have an outdoor space at your disposal, making sure to get the most light and fresh air will be almost just as good. Having a fresh and clean area will not only help you with your breathing exercises but will also get rid of any negative energy that might be lingering around, allowing you to get the most out of your meditation experience. 

Mood boosters

You want to enhance your mood as much as possible while you are in your meditation space. Making use of various mood boosters can help you to become more present, which will, in turn, help you to get the most out of your meditation or yoga. Some great ideas include:

Lighting – playing with your lighting by using some scented candles, tealights or fairy lights, to get the best ambience, is a great way to change the mood in your space. 

Incense and essential oils – these are great for relieving stress and promoting relaxation. Make sure to do your research and spend some time trying and testing out a few until you find the one that works best for you. There are many to choose from, but marjoram, which relaxes the nervous system, or sandalwood, which promotes relaxed awareness would make great additions to your meditation routine. 

Soothing music – thanks to YouTube and Spotify, there is no shortage of great meditation and soothing playlists at your disposal. 

Crystals – to help you to achieve and deepen your meditative state faster. Each crystal has its own different and distinctive property, so knowing which one to choose will depend on the specific outcome that you are trying to reach. Some good crystals to get you started include Angelita, the stone of awareness and Amethyst, the stone of spirituality, contentment and meditation. Be open-minded and get yourself some to try out to see which one works best for you.

As well as making an effective meditation space, here are some more health, fitness and well being posts here


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