5 Ideas for Outdoor Family Fun

Even thought the weather is now starting to turn (how gloomy have the past few days been, especially if you’re in the South East?!), I have to admit that I do still love Autumn. Even when the weather changes we still make sure we get out and about as a family and let the older two burn off some steam. I find that when we’ve been active outdoors in the fresh air, that the children, especially Freddie, fall asleep much quicker at bedtime (hallelujah!).

Here are 5 Ideas for Outdoor fun whatever the weather. 

Have a wheely good time

F & S love getting out and about on their bikes and scooters, and I know both are hoping that Father Christmas will bring them an upgrade of a more grown up, two-wheeled scooter, and daredevil Sasha is keen on getting a Skateboard, and there are some lovely Skatehut ones out there that i’ll definitely have a look at. 

Go on a Woodland Adventure

We are lucky that our house is so close to local woodland, and we only have the hop over the road to go and explore. I’m hoping to get Arlo in the sling soon and get the kids wellies on to go a collect sweet chestnuts, conkers and other autumn foliage for the home (and for Christmas decorations!). We love spotting wildlife too and collecting leaves for leaf rubbing. 

Tick off another playground

I am always on the hunt for an undiscovered playground to conquer, and at 5 and 6 the novelty of a new one doesn’t seem to wear off for our two! 

Feed the ducks

Freddie and Sasha still love doing this, and I sometimes think this simple pleasure is hugely underrated, especially when life is so busy with school and activities during term time. We use wholemeal bread, porridge oats, or peas and sweetcorn as they’re much healthier for feathered friends tummies. 

Learn to fly a kite

Something we are still yet to do! We actually have one ready to go, and loads of places locally to fly it, so this is on our autumn bucket list to finally tick off.


What are your favourite family outdoor activities?


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