

At three you are full of opinions, likes (Meg and Mog, grapes, sleeping in our bed, drawing) and dislikes (dogs, scooting on your own, babybells, having anyone help you do anything!).

At three you are by far the funniest little girl around and SO knowing with it. We can see your brain whirring, wondering what funny face to pull, or thing to say next that will make us laugh loudly and tell everyone about (yes, we are THOSE parents 😉 ).

At three you are sharp as anything, often one step ahead of us in terms of what you are thinking and what your next move will be- you certainly keep Mummy and Daddy on their toes.

At three you are a bundle of contradictions- so independent, yet still very much needing and wanting us by your side. Your current clingy phase when being left at preschool or with anyone else is testament to this, and the word ‘limpet’ springs to mind, as you hold on to me and wrap your legs around mine, begging me to stay with you. 5 minutes later, you are fine!

At three you love your brother so very much, and although you can fight to the death, when he is not around, you miss him and ask for him lots.

At three you have a hearty appetite, and will still eat almost anything put in front of you (which makes life much easier for Mummy and Daddy!).

At three you are a dinky 3ft exact, and have size 6.5 feet.

At three your mind is buzzing with all the knowledge about this big, wide world you are acquiring. Last week you asked me what ‘common’ meant, and you now can say what letter a word begins with just by hearing it. All those games Mummy and Daddy played of eye spy with Freddie at the dinner table and in the car, and you trying to join in, have paid off!

At three you have a full range of loves and interests. You love Frozen, Fireman Sam, playing with your small Peppa figures, drawing, painting and starting to write, playing outside, going to the park and climbing almost anything in site, whizzing along on your Toddlebike, playing shops/schools with Freddie, playing catch, being read to (current faves are the Mr Men books), dancing- the list is endless and keeps on growing!

At three you have the most spectacular tantrums- we can see you shaking with rage, and will throw yourself to the ground, or at us, roaring. It really is a sight to behold!

At three you have just started your ‘big girl’ swimming lessons, going into the pool by yourself. You are very brave, as we can tell from your face and the fact that you are quiet (a rare thing!) that you are nervous, but you smile and wave to us from the side each time you complete a width with your teacher.

At three you love preschool, and often come home with tales of what you have been up, and reenact the new songs you have learnt.

At three we wouldn’t class you as shy- like Freddie you will talk to anyone in the shops, on public transport, on the street, and tell them what you have been up to. People are always amazed at your chatter!

At three you are the loveliest, kindest, cuddliest, funniest, most headstrong of little ladies, beautiful inside and out, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You have made our family complete.

Happy 3rd Birthday Sasha! 



  1. Jo Evans
    May 10, 2015 / 8:48 am

    Doting Granny says ‘absolutely’ !!

  2. May 10, 2015 / 4:22 pm

    Ahhhh bless her, happy birthday beautiful girl. By the sounds of this post I think our 3yo girlies would get on like a house on fire 🙂 xx

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