Things that have made me happy this week


After a bit of a sluggish start last week and feeling a little grumpy (hello, hormones!) and unmotivated (my poor blog has suffered a bit since Christmas), I actually ended up having a really good back-end of the week. This is certainly due to having more time to work, plus get general life-admin sorted now both children are at preschool/with my Mum for a total of 2.5 days a week. By Thursday I had beasted my to-do list *air punches*, and then had a wonderful weekend with my little family and catching up with friends. I’ve more grateful right now for my life than ever, as friends of mine have received sad/worrying news of late. Even on a bad day, I’ve been trying to think of all the things I’m happy about, even the small and insignificant!

1. Booking a camping trip with friends for the end of July! My Mum-chum, Emma, threw it out there on an email to a load of us (we’ve all known each other since F and co were babies), and as a result we’ve booked an amazing, family-friendly campsite in the heart of the Sussex countryside. We must be crazy- there will be 35 of us in total, and all children will be under the age of 5!

2. Getting a handle on some wedding planning. I was starting to panic that we hadn’t done anything for ages but I feel much better that I’ve now decided on, and booked, the flowers, bought the flower girl dresses (all 6 of them!), bought our cake toppers and hopefully sorted childcare for the evening. Whilst there’s still loads to do, I feel a tiny bit more in control, which, for an anal-retentive like me, is vitally important. 😉

3. Having a great night out with friends on Saturday night. My friend, Maria, moved back to Spain with her young family and English husband last July after 16 years in the UK, to open her awesome new business venture. They came back to visit over last week, so Saturday night was spent catching up with her and a load of other friends in a nice pub near us. It reminded the rest of us to leave the kids with our fellas more often and have regular girls nights out!

4. Daffodils! Already in the shops and I swear it’s getting earlier and earlier each year, but hey, I’m not complaining as it means spring is on the way! Also, the bulbs my Mum planted in our garden last year have popped through- I can’t wait to have some colour out the back once again 🙂

5. Taking Freddie and Sasha to the cinema for the first time. We went to see Paddington with my Mother-in-law, which was actually really good (even for adults!), and the children were angels and sat beautifully (which I was very relieved about!).

6. Swimming with Adam and the children on Sunday morning. The pool is grim, but it’s so lovely to see Freddie show his Daddy how well he can swim on his own with a ‘noodle’ now, and to see Sasha leap like a gazelle into the pool. She will be starting lessons too after Easter, so we want to boost her confidence when swimming in the run up.

7. Decluttering. Now, this may make me sound like a massive loser, but I’ve felt disproportionately good having cleared about the medicine cupboard, sorted some the children’s old clothes, cleared a box of baby-related stuff in Sasha’s room to make way for new toy storage and tidied the garden toys. Yes, I most definitely am a bit of a loser here!

8. Home-cooked roast chicken dinner and bakewell tart with custard- need I say more?

9. One night where the kids slept through. I told you it was the little things, right?!

10. Updating the kitchen calendar and our synced iPhone calendars with all the exciting plans we have for this year. Going through everything has made me giddy with anticipation for the rest of 2015, and I feel very lucky to have so much fun stuff to look forward to, both with and without the children 🙂

What has made you happy this week?!



  1. katrina
    February 3, 2015 / 8:54 pm

    I’m excited just reading it all! Wedding-yay! Camping? AMAZING. A full nights sleep? THE DREAM. Decluttering is also a secret obsession of mine, when i get the time that is. x

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